new group excitment
For the final task, I have teamed up with three new people. Nicole Miller, Mila Rakic, and Hannah Reyes. I am very excited to work with a new group of people and make a great film opening. I believe we will all work really well together and use each of our unique skills to make one great team. We all have previous relationships with each other and this project will hopefully only build on those bonds. As for what we may each individually bring, Nicole is very performance talented. She can use her past experience in performing arts to be a potentially great actress. As for Mila, she is very creative. She can come up with great idea's and help to make them become a reality. She can help to make things interesting and I am excited to brainstorm and work with her. I just recently met Hannah, so I don't know much about her background in film and such. But I do know she is very intelligent and organized. She will definitely be an asset to the team. She can help keep things running s...