the filming process
During the filming process, I began by working with my group members to prepare everything for filming. I looked over the storyboard a few times. I helped come up with the idea to bring a trash can into the scene to be later used as a prop. After going over each scene and working out camera angles the filming process began. During the filming of the first shot, I stood up on the staircase of building 17. I stood on one step and acted as if I was texting on my phone. I had also asked someone to take a couple pictures of us as we worked on the first clip. After taking a couple first shots, one of my group members filmed a clip of me in shock of what had just occurred in the first clip. After acting in the first two clips, I helped to film and produce the next few clips. Then it was time to act in a clip. Figuring out how to make this clip run smoothly was difficult. However, using our resources and a little brainstorming we made it work. A group member filmed me walking down the stairs as the other attempted to throw away their gum wrapper but missed. In this clip, I also am seen picking up the gum wrapper off of the floor. Next we hurried to wrap up filming for the day and get one more clip in. We had a been interrupted by the lunch bell and the students trying to make their way to the cafeteria. This had cut down some of our filming time by a bit, however I think we still got a ton done. During this clip my other group members worked to film me write on and fold up the gum wrapper. I wrote a message that is not revealed until later in the commercial. When folding the wrapper, I folded it into a pretty heart shape. After perfecting this clip we packed up and I helped to clean up and move the trash can prop back to where it belonged.
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